Monday, February 6, 2012


In my last blog I talked about the language of the web and how XHTML forms the structure of websites. I want to now confuse anyone new to the web design/development community, as I myself am confused/overwhelmed as well trying to keep up with all of the buzz surrounding something new to the web. What I'm talking about is HTML5: The newest, hottest thing being talked about in the web development industry. Developers are truly praising HTML5 as something that will revolutionize the web. At this time HTML5 is still under development although there are functioning websites and insight out there displaying some of the new capabilities this technology has to offer. Let's see if we can't figure out what all the hype is about.

One of the most important things to understand about HTML5 is that it is indeed backwards compatible. This means that if you are using an old browser and visit a website that is written with HTML5 elements you won't have any idea that it is and everything will work fine. On the other hand if you have a modern browser that supports HTML5 then you will be able to see some of the exciting new features HTML5 has to offer. From the point of view of the developer and a company who has a website that contains HTML5 features they will be hoping that the user does indeed have a modern browser because HTML5 is really looking like it will provide better user experience resulting in people spending more time on their web pages. Since HTML5 is still under development and being finalized this issue won't come into full effect until the product is fully launched.

Like I said earlier there are sites out there that have integrated HTML5 markup (code) into their development. Here is an example of one firm that has a functioning site utilizing some HTML5 features.  

HTML5 offers new functions for embedding audio, video, graphics, interactive documents, and forms into websites. I've looked at examples of sites that are using HTML5 and they truly do look beautiful. They are less table-based and more captivating to its audience.

HTML5 also offers new structure. Tags are now availabe that are very easy to understand in regards to the structure of a page. For example, can you guess what the new <nav> tag represents? You guessed it, the navigation menu buttons that everyone is familiar with on a website. There is also now the common terms used in design <header> and <footer> tags for a HTML5 marked up webpage. It's apparant that the goal of HTML5 is to make things easier on the developer. I mean easier by requiring them to write less lines of geeky code (which is good for me as I already have a hard enough time understanding it). It will be interesting to see the new developments that come along with HTML5 and I am excited to see the day when every major browser out there fully supports HTML5, as it is clear that it has the ability to make the future of web development something much more interactive and media-rich for users of the web.

1 comment:

  1. HTML5 Development
    is the hottest web development platform that takes the experience of building the web pages to a different level. Not only that, it also enhances the surfing experience.
